Case studies

Desinger: Andrea Sallak

Designer: Orsolya Makszin

Designer: Judit Dóró

Enikő Horváth’s graduation project

Designers: Éva Ferenczi and Adrienn Hunyás-Tóth

Emese Morvai’s graduation project

Designer: Andrea Sallak

Anita Szuromi’s graduation project

Designer: Andrea Sallak

Márta Gervai-Szekeres' graduation project

Györgyi Turóczi 's graduation project.

Designer: Andrea Sallak

Ágnes Nagy’s graduation project.


Designer: Andrea Sallak

Designer: Klaudia Kovács

Designer: Judit Lőrincz

Designer: Andrea Sallak

Designer: Krisztina Erdélyi

Designer: Attila Fodor

Designer: Nóra Henczi

Designer: Judit Lőrincz

Designer: Andrea Sallak

Quality Change

Designer: Ibolya Nagy
Impressive Bathroom Designs

Designer: Betty Dóka 

Designer: Andrea Sallak

Small space, big opportunity: How can a small apartment help launch an adult child's independent life?

Nóra Rab-Iski's graduation project.

Explore the charm of eclectic style in the new home of a couple working in the film industry!

Designer: Betty Dóka
With ARCHLine.XP LIVE, it's possible to create captivating visual environments quickly for clients.

Designer: Vivien Ondré
Impressive Bathroom Designs

Designer: Inez Kósa
Special Award winner of the "Room of the Year 2024" competition by HOMEINFO and LOSZ.

Designer: Erzsébet Hegedűs
Special Award winner of the "Bathroom of the Year 2024" competition by HOMEINFO and LOSZ.

Designer: Andrea Sallak

A small change is often enough to make a home truly livable, but sometimes it needs to be turned upside down to create something new and exciting.

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