New in ARCHLine.XP 2020
ARCHLine.XP 2020 has been released!
Define the type of your lamps: ceiling, wall, desk, pendant, spot, etc.
The lamps are "turned" into a symbolic 2D representation
The switches and lamps are linked up together
The connection between the items is checked: are there any non-connected elements? Are there any switches that have ways that are not yet taken?
Eventually, we yield necessary data, such as the needed wattage of a room.
Select colors on your image, which you want to turn transparent. The result is an intricate pattern, created in seconds.
With internet connection between your computer and the Cadline servers: simply deactivate the program on your old workstation, and activate it on the new one.
If there is internet connection, but the computer is unable to connect to the Cadline servers: this might be caused by firewall settings, admin settings, etc. If this happens, you can log into your ARCHLine.XP account on our website, where you can deactivate your license online.
Offline license migration: if there is no Internet connection, your license data has to be sent to us, along with a request for license migration.
In the 2020 version, the traditional “classic” menu and toolbar have been withdrawn and permanently replaced by the Ribbon bar.