When designing an online resource one of the very first steps is the beginning of cooperation with a proven hosting. On what server will be placed data will depend on the performance of the site and security of information. https://guttereso.com/ - the site is a proven and reliable hosting company.
Virtual Hosting, VPS (VDS), Dedicated Server - these are the three main varieties of hosting. They differ according to the possibilities and limitations for users. Let's try to understand the pros and cons of each type to understand what server is suitable in a certain situation.
Hosting is a service that involves the provision of resources in order to place data on the server, which has uninterrupted access to the network around the clock. Hosting service is understood as a dedicated space on the server to store all data and files affecting the proper functioning of the site.
Without virtual storage it is impossible for a web service to be fully functional.
Different types of hosting are chosen according to the scale of the project, the goals set and the budget. There are such basic varieties:
- Virtual Hosting (Shared-hosting) - space for a large number of websites hosted on one server;
- Virtual Dedicated Server (Virtual Dedicated Server, VDS / Virtual Private Server, VPS) - the division of the physical server into several separate, completely isolated from each other;
- Dedicated Server (DS) - service of getting a physical machine at the full disposal.
There is also such a notion as Colocation - provision of special premises in data centres in order to install the client's personal equipment and allocate a channel for access to the network. Cloud-hosting is considered as another variant of online storage, which involves storing information on servers that are distributed over a network.
Some users mistakenly believe when studying the terms VDS and VPS that they are different types of hosting. In fact, Virtual Dedicated Server and Virtual Private Server are entirely appropriate names for a virtual server that shares the resources of a physical one with other similar sites while remaining independent in terms of workload.