Top 10 Steps to Get a Good Job

Use the social networks

Join professional social networks such as LinkedIn. It will help you understand what's going on in the job market right now. If you are still studying, it will give you an advantage in your job search later on, so you can understand what the requirements are for candidates for one position or another. 

Talk to friends and family

Employee referrals are one of the most popular recruiting methods among employers, as companies often prefer to hire those who can be vouched for by their trusted employees. Perhaps your loved ones work where your qualifications are needed? Don't hesitate to cling to any opportunity.

Try to focus

Focus your attention on specific companies rather than just job openings. This can work in your favor, because when you get to the process of submitting your resume, you will already have an interest in the company. This should show in your words, not by mechanically submitting your resume on a job search site.

Expand the range of your search

Thanks to technology, the job market is constantly evolving at such a pace that there are now many professions that you probably haven't even heard of and that didn't exist before.

For example, do you know what a UX designer is? What about a content marketer, backend developer, system administrator, or Devops? It's worth doing a little research and you can discover what you'd really like to explore. 

Choosing a less traditional career path can also mean less competition, and you may find that you have more opportunities if you broaden your horizons and start considering more interesting positions.

Train your self-confidence

Someone who takes the initiative by sending an e-mail to a senior manager, for example, asking him to invite him for coffee and discuss company matters, will make a much more positive impression than someone who just sends a "flat" resume. You have to learn to stand out. After all, there will be plenty of such candidates who mechanically send resumes.

Working while studying at university

Students have hundreds of part-time opportunities, including bar work, event work, administrative work, and giving tours to prospective students.

With decent pay and hours (and usually close to your dorm), these jobs are a gold mine. In addition, professors are very appreciative of students who work while studying. So the advice is to find a job as quickly as possible and combine it with your studies.


Paid internships are very common these days. Although they don't pay much, you'll gain invaluable skills, experience, and contacts specific to your preferred business and industry that will be extremely helpful down the road. If the internship goes particularly well, you may even get a job!

Try a staffing agency

Finding a job through a staffing agency can be a good place to start, especially if you are having trouble presenting yourself on your own from lack of experience. Staffing agencies regularly look for jobs for job seekers, so this may ease a little of the possible difficulties if your job search seems particularly tedious.

Professional Community

The Professional Community is a fantastic opportunity to meet and talk directly with major employers and recruiters. Use this opportunity to network and get information about possible job openings.

Also, don't forget to grab a notebook - write down the names, titles and email addresses of the people you talk to and send them an email afterwards (a simple "hello" to say how nice it was to meet them). The key is to overcome shyness and shyness if you are less of an extrovert.

There is also a great option - it is to take additional courses, where you can not only expand the area of contact, but also improve your skills.

For example, courses in system administration, you can take here on IT Education Center Online.

You are a manager in your company

If you absolutely do not want to work "uncles". But you do not have enough experience to start your own business. Then we recommend yourself to take as a motivation to gain experience as a hired worker as quickly as possible, and make an attempt to open "your own business" with minimal initial capital. But you should definitely remember that you will have to absorb two or maybe three times more information than your colleagues who do not have such goals at this time, because business is a thorny path, which not everyone will be able to overcome. Good luck in your search!
