Pregnancy calendar for weeks: 10 week of pregnancy

After graduation, we can safely say that the embryo entered the new stage of development.

Until this time, the development of the fetus for weeks was dangerous from the occurrence of anomalies and the harmful effects from the outside. Now the likelihood of undiagnosed congenital malformations is small.

According to what the pregnancy calendar speaks for weeks, by this time the child is increasingly similar to a small man. He has no embryonic tail, the limbs are increasingly formed, you can consider the mouth, and inside the basis of future teeth.

At this stage, ear sinks appear. The development of the fetus for weeks reached the level when the heart has already developed and continues its shaping brain.

The child is located in an oily bubble that protects it from any trouble. Inside this bubble, the baby moves, and after a while it will begin to shove his fingers into the mouth.

Soon it will be possible to talk about the presence of a certain blood group in the child. Changes occur inside the fetus, and if he is a boy, then a male hormone is produced - testosterone.

What does pregnancy calendar speak for weeks about the status of a woman in these seven days? She comes a period of sharp change of mood, it can notice the rubiness of the gums and small seals in the aroles of the chest. All Wine hormones.

So far, the tummy is barely noticeable, but the weight increases significantly. Keep it under control: the greatest increase in kilograms is still ahead, because the child will grow.

In addition, by the end of pregnancy, the placenta and the uterus, and the breast will increase due to the coming lactation. As for nausea, weakness and abdominal pain, the development of the fetus for weeks approached the stage when these symptoms should fall in the near future.

You will also not pull so often to the toilet. If in the next few weeks the pain will continue, be sure to consult a female consultation.

Development of the fetus for weeks, advice of the future mother

1. Through pregnancy (not in early time), sports sports in limited quantities is useful. Useful walks and special gymnastics.

2. Continue to monitor meals: it must be regular and small doses, warm.

3. If the constipation occurs, be sure to eliminate the problem, otherwise the rectum will squeeze the uterus. Folk remedies are suitable: a glass of cold boiled water is an empty stomach, rich in fiber of food, prunes, beet. But it is not recommended to drink laxative infusions or put enema.

4. Do not forget that the pregnancy calendar for weeks requires regular weighing. A negative increase will be a serious reason for the visit to the doctor.

5. Starting from the tenth of the week, you can conduct an ultrasound. The specialist will help you figure out what exactly is shown in the picture. Meet your future child! For this purpose, so-called affiliate links are used in the area of affiliate marketing. These contain a special code that marks your page with the embedded affiliate programs at . As soon as a user arrives at the mobile casino sites via your affiliate program, this code is sent to the system operator who registers them.
